Yes, you can open a company account to invest in Debitum loans. To open the account, the person who opens the account on Debitum needs to have the right to do financial operations in the name of a company. Additionally, please send the following information (some of the points may not be applicable to the company) to
- Articles of Association;
A financial report of the latest financial quarter or bank statement, not older than one month, proving ongoing operations
Licence to operate (if applicable)
A simple diagram illustrating the shareholder structure of the legal entity until UBOs as the actual shareholder. Please make a complete diagram to illustrate the ownership (if more than one shareholder)
Who has signature/representation rights based on any other document - please indicate the persons and the document based on which they have the signature/representation rights
A register of directors or certificate of incumbency
If any other person than directors indicated in the point 6 have signature/representation rights, please provide a declaration of trust, power of attorney, or other document allowing such representative to act on behalf of the company
Do you have any trust deeds or nominee agreements? (if applicable)
Passport or EU national ID card copies of all directors, representatives having signature/representation rights, shareholders and UBOs (private individuals)
Recent utility bills or other proof of residential address of UBOs (not older than 3 months)
Please note that most of the points are not applicable to companies that are not involved in the financial market and/or have only one shareholder.